Fabrice d'Almeida is a historian and researcher. He is a professor at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, where he teaches media and propaganda history at the French Press Institute (IFP) and directs the master’s program in Media and Globalization. Former member of the Ecole française de Rome (French School of Rome) and winner of the Alexander von Humboldt scholarship, he was a researcher at the Marc Bloch Center in Berlin. Specializing in visual propaganda and manipulation, he co-founded in 1992 the Groupe d'études sur les images fixes (Study Group on Still Images, GEIF, Museum of Contemporary History). He was the director of the Institut d’histoire du temps présent (Institute for Present History, IHTP) from 2006 to 2008. Author of numerous books, he regularly appears on radio and television programs and presents the documentary series Les Grands Mensonges de l'Histoire (History’s Big Lies) on RMC-Story. In 2011, he was appointed literary director of History at Fayard, and is currently an editor at Albin Michel.
Published Works
Archives Secrètes des Armées (Secret Army Archives), Gallimard, 2019.
With Marjorie Philibert, Sur les traces des serial killers. À chaque époque, son tueur (In the footsteps of serial killers. To each era, its killer), Edition by La Martinière Group, 2015
Une histoire mondiale de la propagande : De 1900 à nos jours (Global history of propaganda: from 1900 to today), Edition by La Martinière Group, 200 p. 2013 ?
With Anthony Rowley, Quand l'histoire nous prend par les sentiments (When history plays with our emotions), Paris, Odile Jacob, 2013, 284 p.
Ressources inhumaines (Inhuman Resources), Paris, Fayard, 2011 (paperback by Pluriel).
Avec Anthony Rowley, Et si on refaisait l'histoire ? (What if we rewrote history?), Paris, Odile Jacob, 2009.
La politique au naturel - Comportement des hommes politiques et représentations publiques en France et en Italie XIXe-XXIe siècle (Politics exposed – Behavior of politicians and public representation in 19th-21st Century France and Italy), Rome, Collection of l'École française de Rome (French School of Rome), 2007.
High Society in the Third Reich, Paris, Perrin, 2006 (translated in 7 languages; paperback by Tempus, 2008).
La Manipulation (Manipulation), Paris, PUF, QSJ ?, 2003, 2nd ed. 2005, 3rd ed. 2015 (translated in Polish).
With Christian Delporte, Histoire des médias en France de 1914 à nos jours (History of media in France from 1914 to today), Paris, Flammarion, coll. Champs-Université, 2003, 2nd éd. 2010.
Histoire et politique en France et en Italie : l'exemple des socialistes (1945-1983) (History and politics in France and Italy : the socialist example (1945-1983)), Rome, École française de Rome (French School of Rome), 1998.
Images et propagande (Images and propaganda), Casterman, 1995.