Promoting the need for truthful information to foster a democracy built on trust.
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Fondation Descartes

The Fondation Descartes is a citizen-based, non-partisan, and independent European foundation dedicated to information-based issues.

Operations and governance

Fondation Descartes is structured around three main bodies: a board of directors chaired by Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler; a scientific advisory board led by Gérald Bronner; and a permanent team headed by Laurent Cordonier, director of research.

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La Fondation Descartes est une initiative citoyenne, apartisane, indépendante et européenne dédiée aux enjeux de l’information, de la désinformation et du débat public dans une société démocratique.

Thematic overviews

La Fondation Descartes est animée par trois organes : un Conseil d’Administration présidé par Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler ; un Conseil Scientifique encadré par Gérald Bronner et d’une équipe permanente, dirigée par Laurent Cordonier, Directeur de la recherche.

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The Descartes Foundation lists significant events, in France and internationally, particularly related to the topics of disinformation, interference and media literacy.

Our partnerships

La Fondation Descartes est animée par trois organes : un Conseil d’Administration présidé par Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler ; un Conseil Scientifique encadré par Gérald Bronner et d’une équipe permanente, dirigée par Laurent Cordonier, Directeur de la recherche.

Our podcasts

Selection of 'must-listen' podcasts on the Descartes Foundation's fields of research, in French, English or German.


The Descartes Foundation offers you a cartography of the main actors involved in researching on the quality of information, or in fighting against disinformation, in France and throughout the world.


Fact checkers, web extensions, journalistic standards... The Fondation Descartes offers you a map of initiatives in France and around the world involved in asserting the quality of information or in fighting against disinformation.

Our references and resources

The Fondation Descartes' experts select and comment on key publications on disinformation, trust in the media and the Foundation's other research topics. This data base is available online to members of the Foundation and in the Foundation's documentation centre.

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Vanity Fairs, Another View of the Economy of Attention

Franck, Georg

This book offers readers a comprehensive introduction to the economy of attention from the perspective of the basic motive of the pursuit of attention: self-esteem. As a jumping-off point, it states the stark equation at the heart of this economy— that the self-esteem one can afford depends on one’s income of appreciative attention. The information markets in which participants compete to play a role in the consciousness of others are described as ‘vanity fairs’. Since the pursuit of self-esteem is highly effective when it comes to mobilizing human energies, vanity fairs are not just playgrounds of individual passions, but have been utilized by society since time immemorial as markets for particularly challenging demands.

Starting with an analysis of the interface that connects the social economy of attention with the intra-psychic economy of self-esteem, the book then examines two main cases in point: modern science and the post-modern media culture. On the one hand we have scientists working for a ‘wage of fame’, who invest their own attention into getting the attention of others. On the other, today’s dominant media have left the sale of information behind to focus solely on the attraction of attention, which is sold as a service to the advertising industry. In each case the use of attention as a means of payment is key to its phenomenal success. But success comes at a price: the dark side of this monetization of attention is a kind of ’climate change’ in the collective mental sphere which threatens the very existence of our social fabric.

Topic :  Economy of Attention  
Edition :  Springer  
Country :  Switzerland 
Language  :  English 
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