Promoting the need for truthful information to foster a democracy built on trust.
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The Fondation Descartes

The Fondation Descartes is a citizen-based, non-partisan, and independent European foundation dedicated to information-based issues.

Operations and Governance

The Fondation Descartes is structured around three main bodies: a board of directors chaired by Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler; a scientific advisory board led by Gérald Bronner; and a permanent team headed by Laurent Cordonier, director of research.

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Our reports

Each year, the Fondation Descartes publishes an in-depth study on one of its key topics related to disinformation: conflicts, health, or climate. Explore these publications in full.

Thematic overviews

The Fondation Descartes publishes thematic overviews written by its research team on major themes related to information and disinformation.

Experts' blog

The Fondation Descartes publishes contributions from its affiliated experts, who speak in a personal capacity. The expert circle is multidisciplinary, including specialists from information and communication sciences, cognitive and behavioral sociology, international relations, philosophy, psychology, and journalism.

Our annual conferences

The Fondation Descartes organises annual conferences revolving around health, climate and conflict disinformation.

Our partnerships

In its efforts to tackle disinformation, the Fondation Descartes joins forces with other key players in the information ecosystem.

Our podcasts

With France Info, the Fondation Descartes explores historical disinformation in its podcast series "Les Infox de l'Histoire."


The Descartes Foundation offers you a cartography of the main actors involved in researching on the quality of information, or in fighting against disinformation, in France and throughout the world.


Fact checkers, web extensions, journalistic standards... The Fondation Descartes offers you a map of initiatives in France and around the world involved in asserting the quality of information or in fighting against disinformation.

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Category: Study

Lost in Translation: Climate Denial and the Return of the Political

Over the first decade of the 2000s, climate change denial and global warming skepticism have taken the shape of a well-coordinated campaign with funding from industry and free-market think tanks. […]

Challenging Climate Change, The Denial Countermovement

An organized campaign to deny the reality and significance of climate change has worked to undermine the claims of the scientific community and block efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. […]

Partisanship, Propaganda, & Disinformation Online Media & the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

In this study, the authors analyze both mainstream and social media coverage of the 2016 United States presidential election.

Social media and fake news in the 2016 election

In the early 2000s, the growth of online news prompted a new set of concerns, among them that excess diversity of viewpoints would make it easier for like-minded citizens to form “echo chambers” or “filter bubbles” where they would be insulated from contrary perspectives.


Disinformation studies have been engaged in a pivot to Asia. A growing number of scholars and governmental experts around the globe who were once fixated on Russian operations are now […]

Why Americans don't trust the Media, A preliminary analysis

An alarming number of Americans no longer trust the media to report the news fairly. This study explores factors that explain variation in media trust.

Chernobyl and fake news

The media treatment of the 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant combined all the modalities of fake news and disinformation.

Truth and insincerity : lie, delusion, mythomania and fabulation

The usual notions of delirium, lies, fabulation, mythomania, can be associated or even entangled.

School and Post-Truth

Recent philosophical and sociological literature detects the advent of an era of “post-truth” characterized by lies, conspiracy theories and “bullshit”. It determines the technical, political and philosophical sources and suggests […]

A multi-dimensional approach to disinformation

In January 2018, the European Commission set up a highlevel group of experts («the HLEG») to advise on policy initiatives to counter fake news and disinformation spread online.

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