Our initiative, which is guided by the public interest, aims to promote the demand for truthful information and to combat all forms of disinformation and information manipulation. Truthful information refers to an account of facts that is accurate, complete, and free from any intent to distort understanding. This initiative emerged from a reflection on the loss of trust in information and the media, particularly related to the rise of disinformation and information manipulation. We believe that the sincerity of information and citizens' trust in it are essential for the harmonious functioning of our democracies. Here you can find our advocacy for the demand for truthful information.
We are currently established as an endowment fund under French law (the Endowment Fund for the Creation of Fondation Descartes), with the purpose of creating a foundation recognized as a public utility dedicated to issues related to the quality of information necessary for public debate in a democratic society.
The Endowment Fund for the Creation of Fondation Descartes, whose statutes are available here, is already conducting the activities of the future Fondation. It also aims to gather the endowment and budget necessary for the creation of the foundation recognized as a public utility and to carry out the administrative steps required for this purpose. Since September 2019, the Endowment Fund has had legal personality, allowing it to carry out actions in line with its objectives (see receipt of declaration to the Prefecture). It is the publisher of the website fondationdescartes.org.
It is composed of the following bodies:
The activities and organs of the Endowment Fund for the Creation of Fondation Descartes will continue within the future Fondation Descartes once it has been established.
The endowment fund for the creation of Fondation Descartes was established at the initiative of Tiphaine and Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler, who provided the initial funding. The endowment fund is currently expanding its funding sources through contributions from other private donors to support the creation of Fondation Descartes.
The fund aims to raise €1.5 million in the coming months, which is necessary for establishing the foundation as a public-interest organization, as well as securing funding for its activities over the next five years.