Promoting the need for truthful information to foster a democracy built on trust.
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The Fondation Descartes

The Fondation Descartes is a citizen-based, non-partisan, and independent European foundation dedicated to information-based issues.

Operations and Governance

The Fondation Descartes is structured around three main bodies: a board of directors chaired by Jean-Philippe Hecketsweiler; a scientific advisory board led by Gérald Bronner; and a permanent team headed by Laurent Cordonier, director of research.

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Our reports

Each year, the Fondation Descartes publishes an in-depth study on one of its key topics related to disinformation: conflicts, health, or climate. Explore these publications in full.

Thematic overviews

The Fondation Descartes publishes thematic overviews written by its research team on major themes related to information and disinformation.

Experts' blog

The Fondation Descartes publishes contributions from its affiliated experts, who speak in a personal capacity. The expert circle is multidisciplinary, including specialists from information and communication sciences, cognitive and behavioral sociology, international relations, philosophy, psychology, and journalism.

Our annual conferences

The Fondation Descartes organises annual conferences revolving around health, climate and conflict disinformation.

Our partnerships

In its efforts to tackle disinformation, the Fondation Descartes joins forces with other key players in the information ecosystem.

Our podcasts

With France Info, the Fondation Descartes explores historical disinformation in its podcast series "Les Infox de l'Histoire."


The Descartes Foundation offers you a cartography of the main actors involved in researching on the quality of information, or in fighting against disinformation, in France and throughout the world.


Fact checkers, web extensions, journalistic standards... The Fondation Descartes offers you a map of initiatives in France and around the world involved in asserting the quality of information or in fighting against disinformation.

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Tag: Echo chamber

NewsGuard’s Top Ten Disinformers – and Top Ten Straight Shooters With The Most Online Engagement

NewsGuard has published a report that provides a list of the 10 sources of disinformation and the 10 reliable sources of information that generated the most engagement on social networks in France in 2020.

The “broadcast” model no longer works in an era of disinformation

This short study by First Draft examines the mechanisms by which the conspiracy theory of the “Great Reset” was disseminated.

ICO investigation into use of personal information and political influence

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), a public institution that reports directly to the Parliament of the United Kingdom, has published its final report on the investigation concerning Cambridge Analytica.

Fake news and analytical thinking on Twitter

This present study demonstrates that, beyond their relationship to fake news, “analytical” and “intuitive” individuals exhibit different behaviors on Twitter.

#info. Comenting and sharing news on Twitter and Facebook

More and more often, journalistic information is directly posted on the 'feeds' of our social medias, especially on Facebook or Twitter, but also on LinkedIn or Snapchat and of course […]

Information disorder : Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making

This report is an attempt to comprehensively examine information disorder and its related challenges, such as filter bubbles and echo chambers. While the historical impact of rumours and fabricated content […]

Analyzing How People Orient to and Spread Rumors in Social Media by Looking at Conversational Threads

As breaking news unfolds people increasingly rely on social media to stay abreast of the latest updates. The use of social media in such situations comes with the caveat that […]

Production vs. Consumption of information on Twitter

This article reconsiders two highly debated issues concerning the social network Twitter: the formation of echo chambers on the one hand, and the ideological fragmentation of this social network, on the other.

Filter bubbles and echo chambers

Two phenomenon resulting from the inherent mechanisms of the Internet are often accused of contributing to the polarization of opinions: "filter bubbles" and "echo chambers". In this article, we provide an overview of these two concepts.

Complosphere, the conspiracy spirit in the age of networks

9/11, global order governed in secret by occult powers, growing racism, comeback of the Illuminati, end of the sustainability and collapsology.... This book analyses the strong return of conspiracy theories […]

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